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Evergreen in media
What is CUI and why is it necessary to use CUI in chatbot? Practical Cases (Read in english)
Artificial intelligence technology used in restaurants (Read in english)
Chatbot for VUSO insurance company, based on Corezoid (Read in english)
Telegram bot helps drivers buy car insurance policy in 7 minutes (Read in russian)
Now auto insurance can be purchased through Telegram (Read in russian)
Automation via IT: chat-bot instead of sales department and call center (Read in russian)
Innovative marketing: how recognition systems improve marketing and advertising results (Read in english)
Integration of Amo crm, Sunflower ip telephony, website, and payment gateway for VUSO company (Read in english)
Integration case for Microsoft dynamics and Retailcrm based on Corezoid for e-shop (Read in english)
How Evergreen developed a smooth process using Pipedrive API & Unisender (Read in english)
How Cloud Processes Solved Our CRM Development Problems (Read in english)
KYIV IT Cluster - the gate to KYIV IT Community (Read in english)
The chat-bot can not give the desired effect to your business. Which companies do not exactly need it? (Read in russian)
How to calculate IT project profitability (Read in russian)
Кейс внедрения CRM в страховую компанию VUSO (Read in russian)
How did we make 28 concepts in 100 hours for (Read in russian)
Case of UI/UX design of (Read in russian)
Using Corezoid in CRM compared to traditional BPM systems (Read in english)
Automated sales / account management automation case in UniSender (Read in russian)
How did we filter out bots and lower the bounce rate from 90% to 42% (Read in russian)
Our project Smartgreet – personal greeting cards generator (Read in russian)
Ukrainian firms enter the Polish market (Read in russian)
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