Robots or Humans? What Is Awaiting for People in the World of Robots? 8 Robots or Humans? What Is Awaiting for People in the World of Robots? 9 Robots or Humans? What Is Awaiting for People in the World of Robots? 10

Robots or People: Who’s Gonna Rule Tomorrow?

#Machine Learning

Robots will leave us on the street!” The headlines of the newspapers sound the alarm. “Robots will provide us a comfortable existence,” object others. While supporters of dystopias and utopias argue, we will try to figure out what to expect from the fourth industrial revolution in reality.

How Smart Have Cars Become?

Over the past decade, the development of robots significantly stepped forward. Earlier, the most difficult task and an unassailable fortress for robots was the Turing test. But today events are evolved with cosmic speed, and the longer, the easier the bots succeed in the previously impossible.

Overview of Advances in Humanizing Bots

  • June 9, 2014 - the chatbot Zhenya Gustman, created by developers from Ukraine and Russia, passed the Turing test for the first time in history. Read more here;
  • May 15, 2016 - American chatbot named Jill Watson passed Turing test. It is noteworthy that the bot “worked” as a teacher at the Technical University of Georgia and for a long time helped students with their assignments, along with real teachers;
  • May 18, 2018 - Google Assistant Duplex - voice chatbot with artificial intelligence passed the Turing test. He managed to book a table in a restaurant, record a client for a haircut, and even chat with her parents;
  • July 10, 2018 - Chinese robot copywriter passed the Turing test. The robot has learned the technique of advertising copyright and can process up to 20 thousand lines of text.

And this is just the beginning. Every year, the capabilities of robots will only grow. So what to expect from the new generation of cars?

“Everything That Can Be Automated Will Be Automated”

Unemployment due to automation has been scaring people for a long time. At the beginning of the XIX century, Luddites, opponents of progress, destroyed factories. They believed that the machines would take away their work and leave them without bread and butter. Today, almost everyone whose work consists of repeating a certain algorithm of actions is worried.

Martin Ford, in his book “Robots attack,” claims that by 2030, half of the now existing professions will disappear. WEF (World Economic Forum) analysts clam this date is close - according to them, up to 2025, robots will occupy 52% of all professions.

Even the work of journalists will become automated. According to Spektr, the journalistic investigation remains a prerogative of people, but The Associated Press plans to replace newsmen with robots completely. Already in the last quarter,  3,000 of their materials were prepared by robots.Robot jurnalist

Business Insider reports that back in 2016, the Sony Pictures company replaced 70 employees working with clients just with one chatbot. In 2015, a Japanese hotel was opened, where 50% of the staff were robots. At first, the hotel replaced 90%, of human workers, but it turned out that the cars were not yet able to provide visitors with comfortable accommodation, and the hotel began to sustain losses. Therefore, in 2019, the senior management had to revise the institution's policy,  cut down half of the 243 robots, and hire people.Contact Evergreen

However, this is only a minor hitch in an attempt of global robotization. Fast foods and supermarkets are already automated, and it is a robot that will most likely answer your call to the call center.

Forecasts of Futurists: What Awaits People in the World of Robots

The WEF reports that 75 million jobs will disappear in the nearest future. However, they will create 133 million in return. Although it’s hard to believe, this scheme does work. Britain, in the years 2010-2015, lost 800 thousand jobs, but created 3.5 million new ones, with higher salaries. Low-paid routine work gets robots, and people get more qualified positions.

Despite the fact that with each passing year, technologies become more advanced, many experts still believe that robots will never replace humans in the field of decision making and in creative professions.

The activist and author of the book “Robots will steal your work, but it's not scary” Federico Pistono believes that robots will provide all our basic needs soon. When the need to work disappear, humanity will be able to focus on creativity, to reveal itself in various forms of art. To ensure the safety of the economy, each person will receive a monthly basic “humanity” income.Creative work

Inventor and futurologist Raymond Kurzweil and robot technician Hiroshi Ishiguro see the human future in transhumanism. It means that people will gradually turn into robots with the help of gadgets and individual implants. Ishiguro believes that a person can not be separated from the surrounding technology.

But Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla and SpaceX, is not so optimistic at all. In his opinion, artificial intelligence is a threat not only to workplaces but also to all humanity. He is already donating large sums to create a program that will protect us in the future from artificial intelligence.

We at Evergreen are confident that robots will make human life more comfortable and enjoyable. The main thing is to take the necessary measures in time. That is the reason why we joined the  European AI Alliance initiative, which involves consulting experts in the field of AI, lawyers, and businesses to achieve security and АІ regulation and robotics at the legislative level. In the meantime, the future has not yet come. And it's time to create robots that will help your business.

Are you ready? Feel free to contact us us today.

The images used in this article are taken from open sources and are used as illustrations.
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