Prototyping and Designing a Website

Services prototyping the site, developing a prototype site, online store, order a prototype

53prototypes of large projects
9SAAS prototypes and personal accounts
200hours to develop a large prototype
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Awards 6 awards 4 nominees in UI/UX
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What is a MVP and a prototype?

You have an idea for an Internet service or a portal. You checked it and find that an idea is good, and you can do it. But this raises a number of questions: how to demonstrate project for potential investors to enable them to understand what it was about? how to test the project on a limited target audience to make sure that people perceive your idea exactly as you have in mind? what to show on the thematic exhibition to find partners who will help in the promotion?

The answer to these questions is the development of prototypes and MVP-versions.


— Schematic representation of the site, which shows all the basic functionality, behavior on different devices, with different resolutions and so on


See an example of a prototype

See an example

MVP - minimum viable product

— A minimum version of the project which can be shown to partners, potential customers, so they can try out the idea and say how they like it

MVP - minimum viable product

Read more about the concept of MVP

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Website prototyping

— compulsory stages of development





Website prototype development: reasons to trust Evergreen


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  1. We do not make services "blindly" - before we start the project we analyze competitors, product, analogs and highlight the main strengths and something from which we must be different
  2. At the stage of prototyping the project has a team that makes detailing portraits of users, develops a map of the user's behavior on the project and looking for the best way to implement user tasks
  3. You are not only outsources to us your design and development. We are planning the project with you, using all our experience in different areas
  4. We are interested in launching of your project and the status of your technological partner, we understand that the success of your project is our success
  5. You get a reliable developer partner for the support and development of the project after the prototyping completed or successful launch of MVP
  1. We do not make services "blindly" - before we start the project we analyze competitors, product, analogs and highlight the main strengths and something from which we must be different
  2. At the stage of prototyping the project has a team that makes detailing portraits of users, develops a map of the user's behavior on the project and looking for the best way to implement user tasks
  3. You are not only outsources to us your design and development. We are planning the project with you, using all our experience in different areas
  4. We are interested in launching of your project and the status of your technological partner, we understand that the success of your project is our success
  5. You get a reliable developer partner for the support and development of the project after the prototyping completed or successful launch of MVP

Do you want to develop a new website or service?

Let us know what kind of project you want to create or develop. Feel free - we will be happy to advise on any professional issue and will do it absolutely for free, just give us a call or fill out the form.