When you launch the site and your business grows up, you need a development of new features and constant improvement of the site, an optimization of the site.
After the development of the site, you may encounter the reluctance or inability of previous developers to ensure the development or increase the functionality of the created site. Evergreen helps in the following ways.
Fixing errors on site
Allowed by previous developers, technical development of the site
Updating existing sites
We support and develop sites on PHP frameworks Laravel, Symphony, CMS MODx, OpenCart.
Creation of new sections and modules
Development of site functionality, customization of users' cabinets, online payment, new functions for visitors.
Integration with CRM and ERP
Make integration of the site with crm, integration with the internal systems, integration of the site with ERP
Order tech support
Please tell us about which project you want to support and we'll tell you what the price of modifying the site.