UX/UI Design

Combine the best features of visual solutions and user interaction, match modern trends and create a resource that will be in the top of user preferences in the next five years. Order a UX/UI design at Evergreen to get the most of your product and website. UI/UX Interface Design, UX Development, UI Design — Evergreen 7

UX/UI design is the process of creating a structure and logic of user interaction that will add value to your product in the eyes of users. This process also includes the introduction of new features that have only recently appeared on the market and will bring significant benefits to your users.

We combine the development of UX and UI to achieve better efficiency when creating any resource. While working on the project, we follow modern trends, introduce technologies that will make the purchase simple and convenient for the user, and help avoid obsolescence. While UX is responsible for all user interaction, the UI is responsible for the visual part.

The combination and interaction of these two components make the website not only beautiful but also useful. The beauty of design, colors, animations is enough to cause a wow effect for the user, but not enough to make the user keep coming back. UX performs this function. Below you can see examples of UX/UI design from Evergreen.



More than 200 successful projects from small sites to large-scale systems prove the experience of our team



Our Evergreen team has been creating a design for many years. Our experience shows that trend following and even forecasting new trends in design makes the interface modern and relevant for many years to come. The contemporary appearance of your resource is as important as the tool logic and structure. You can read more about UI design latest trends in modern interfaces in our article.



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UX design development

UX design is the process of creating your web resource’s architecture and logic, from large structuring units to the smallest interactions between them.

The quality of UX design is measured by how quickly the user managed to navigate the resource and achieve his goal. The development of UX design affects every step of the user path. Good UX allows finding the right product/service in a few seconds, order and pay in a few clicks. The more comfortable is the navigation for the user to do this, the more benefit your resource will bring him. And the more likely the customer becomes a client and returns to you next time.

Good UX becomes your advantage in the users’ eyes in the times of enormous competition in the webspace. It also allows your business to sell products at a premium price without changing its characteristics. You can read more about this in our article.




UI Design Development

The UI design is a combination of the resource visual, the atmosphere that drags the user into after logging in, and the emotions all its elements create together and separately.

The UI design is a way to tell about a product without using words, evoke an emotional response from the very first seconds. Good UI gives the user the feeling “That’s what I was looking for!” and makes him fall in love with your company in advance. Deep love grows after the user tries a good UX.

We focus on several factors at the same time while creating a UI design. These factors are expectations and preferences of a targeted audience, proven patterns, and modern trends, customers’ wishes, key product features that are so interesting to express and emphasize using visual elements.


The UX/UI design relationship is the answer to two questions: how the system works and how it looks like.

Beautiful UX/UI design

The development of UX design directly affects the revenue that the resource brings. A well-built design significantly increases sales and helps users fall in love with your product and your company from the first interaction.

The correct arrangement of text blocks, buttons, their color and size, readable fonts, and indentation between them have a significant impact on the popularity of your resource among users. This implies on the profit it brings.

Well-studied market needs of your company, a well-thought-out structure combined with unusual design solutions are ingredients of the successful business recipe. Its effectiveness is multiplied by UX design and supported by UI design.



UX/UI design price depends on many factors, so we always calculate it individually. Сost sheet is made up of two parts: the construction of the site architecture, user interface, the user's path to the goal, and the visual design of the entire resource. It also includes all states of elements and user steps on it. You can read about our approach to assessing the value of any project in this article.

Since the design requirements for each client are different, and often we can’t immediately determine which technical and creative solutions are needed for your product, we suggest meeting in person. Face-To-Face contact is a great way to understand what result you need and how we can help you achieve it. Need to create an effective UX/UI design for your product? Just write to us.

Write to us

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Do you have questions, or want to order design development? Feel free to contact us. We are happy to advise on any professional matter, and we will do it absolutely for free. Just call us or fill out the form.